Data Science

Andre Emidio
2 min readJan 23, 2023


I will put a roadmap to start in data science with Coursera Platform.

The idea is, be a way to study data science and not an obligation.

First, you need to know two tools

If want to learn data science, you will need to have knowledge about programming language( python or R language ) and descriptive statistics.

I will list below courses that use python language.

Make a to-do list

  • [ ] Language Programming (Python or R Language)
  • [ ] Descriptive Statistics
  • [ ] Inferential Statistics
  • [ ] Machine Learning

Importante Information

Study to create products and solve problem, don’t be a model creator and person far away real life, learning and apply your skills is more important then be a great theoretical statistics person.

Data Science Courses

Statistics For Data Science

Basic Statistics in Python (Correlations and T-tests)

Basic Statistics in Python (ANOVA)

Statistical Analysis using Python Numpy


You student needs support to understand others informations, I will put some community that I think help you


Pt-BR Data Science & Python

Comunidade EstaTiDados🟡 📊Estatística e Ciências de dados🎲 ® 🐍


Grupo de estudos de Pesquisa Operacional e Estatística (Casa da P.o

OpenCVismo Brasil


Don’t be afraid to ask google about anything else you need , much times you find which do you want, type in search bar and enjoy.

Creator : Andre Emidio

Telegram: @andreemidio1



Andre Emidio

Cozinheiro nas horas vagas,curioso, nerd e estudante de inteligência artificial.